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PrestwickPlace HOA meeting minutes 6-6-2024

Participating:     Max and Brenda Tyrrell

                                Joel Garmon

                                Sarah Toliver

                                Steve Parham

                                Jan Meccia

                                Brant Quinton

                                Joe Maginn

                                Katherine Lucey

                                Amy and Rodney Bibee

                                Bella Safro

                                Alex Shelyakov

                                Gary Steimer

                                Melody Bock & Gary Womble




•         Meeting introduced by Alex


•         Roll call


•         Treasure Report

•         2024 Budget

•         + $10,500: Current balance

•         Expense season upcoming with watering increased, but lighting decreased

•         Max will continue to check the expenditures in the HOA account


•         Annual Dues for 2023 are $275

•         10 households yet to pay

•        REMINDER: Due by end of July 2024

•         Reminder letters would start in January 2025


•         Improvements needed and upcoming HOA spends

•         New expenses:

•         Fertilization at the front entrance (paid in advance)

•         Sprinklers have 3 leaks (pending invoice)

•         Landscaping bids for next year are needed

•         Increased lighting in the neighborhood suggested

•         Looking into uniform solar powered lights to go on mailboxes (would be optional)


•         Safety Update

•         Speed humps were approved

•         3 have been ordered; lines have been marked on St. John Ct

•         Installation should be quick once they are come in

•         In 6 months after installation there will be a survey; follow up surveys at 2 and 4 years

•         Traffic control at the intersection  of St. John Ct and Grisby Chapel

•        Suggestion of a roundabout (as light was previously rejected)

•        the town is still studying feasibiity of a small traffic circle; problem areas include incursion on private property and how to integrate adjacent driveways into the plan

•        Sarah Toliver to speak with St. John Neuman administrators about traffic concerns and their paying for traffic officers during church and school hours


•         All other Business

•         Suggestion to review and start to amend by-laws

•         To be reviewed by HOA members during the remainder of 2024

•         Discussed if the HOA Board needs to carry additional insurance and/or be bonded

•         Post meeting update: this is not required of HOAs in TN


•         HOA Officer and extended members

•         Voted to have an additional Member-at-large

•         Voted to to keep officers in place for another year

•         President: Alex Shelyakov

•         Vice-President: Rodney Bibee

•         Treasurer: Joel Garmon

•         Secretary: Katherine Lucey

•         Member-at-large: Steve Parham and Max Tyrrell

•         Architecture Committee: Brant Quinton elected as head of Architecture Committee

•         Will as David Overton if he would like to server as back up for Brant

•         Joel Garmon will be an additional back up if needed

•        REMINDER: requests for exterior improvements need to be reviewed and approved per HOA by-laws.  Please provide your request to Brant Quinton (804 OConnell Dr) for review and approval.


 The meeting was then adjourned.

PrestwickPlace HOA meeting minutes 3-21-2023

Participating:     Max  and Brenda Tyrrell

                                Joel Garmon

                                Sarah Toliver

                                Steve Parham

                                Katherine Lucey

                                Rodney Bibee

                                Alex Shelyakov

                                Gary Steimer

                                Melody Bock & Gary Womble




  • Meeting introduced by Alex


  • Roll call


  • Previous Minutes

    • The minutes from the HOA Meeting on 18Nov2021 were read and approved.


  • Treasure Report

    • 2023 Budget

      • + 6800: Current balance

      • + 9300: 2023 dues

      • - 7200: 2023 estimated expenses

      • - 4700: estimated for 2 improvements

      • TOTAL: +4200 rainy day fund/other maintenance


  • Annual Dues for 2023 are $275

    • Due by July 2023

    • Checks made to PPHOA

      • Can be placed in Joel’s newspaper box or mailed (638 St John’s Ct)

    • 840 OConnell Dr sale is pending and dues will be paid at closing



  • HOA Officer and extended members

    • Agreed to keep officers in place

      • President: Alex Shelyakov

      • Vice-President: Rodney Bibee

      • Treasurer: Joel Garmon

      • Secretary: Katherine Lucey

      • Member-at-large: Steve Parham


  • Gary Steimer will step down from his two roles, lead of Safety Initiatives and Architecture Review and Approval

    • Safety Initiatives will be maintained by the HOA Board

      • If anyone is interested in taking on this effort, please let someone on the Board know.

    • Gary Womble will take over Architecture approvals

      • requests for exterior improvements need to be reviewed and approved per HOA by-laws.  Please provide your request to Gary Womble (803 OConnell Dr) for review and approval.


  • Neighborhood improvements

    • HOA Board voted and approved to

      • Upgrade/Replace the entrance lighting to LEDs ($2700)

      • Refinish the pillar caps ($2000)-- work should be done in the coming months

    • Front landscaping

      • There are several dead shrubs out front.Alex to speak with the landscapers about removing them and replacement costs

    • New HOA officers at Berkley Park.Joel to approach Berkley Park HOA about possibly contributing to the improvements


  • All Other Business

    • Noise from Interstate

      • Melody asked if there were any noise abatement plans

      • Max explained that when the Cannon was built, TDOT refused to build sound walls because the highway was there first.

      • Suggestion to partner with Battery Park/Cannon HOA (David Wilson) to put pressure on TDOT to build a wall.

      • Sarah suggested reaching out to Alderman Scott Meyer as this was part of his election platform.


  • Safety Update

                                1. Traffic control at the intersection  of St. John Ct and Grisby Chapel

  • During school/church is the main concern

    • traffic light was rejected

    • traffic control is an option

      • Must have a police cruiser and in uniform officer

      • Vice Mayor will talk to the Farragut Board to see if she can get approval for the town to pay half the cost if the church/school will pay half. Gary should receive and update soon.


2. Traffic calming on St. John Ct.

  • Town is in the process of rewriting the town codes for the approval process for neighborhood traffic calming techniques.

  • Gary suggested to the Vice Mayor that the following actions be taken on SJC.

    • 25 mph painted on the road

    • Pedestrian mats at the crosswalk

  • Gary to continue to work on the traffic calming with the new Alderman and the Vice Mayor. The town traffic engineer has departed to a new job and no replacement has been named yet. Vice Mayor has agreed to step in for him and work with Gary, the town engineer and the Farragut Board to hopefully resolve the issues on SJC which have existed for much too long. Our HOA has worked with the Town much too long with nothing to show for it. Hopefully the time has come. Update due shortly.


The meeting was then adjourned.

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